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The Trust awards grants to as many as fifty local organisations, clubs, societies, schools and individuals.

As per the Trust’s Governing Document, grants can only be provided to individuals and organisations that benefit the residents of the Parish of Edenbridge, Kent.


Amounts can vary from as little as £100 to £1000s, dependent on funding requirements and how it will benefit the Edenbridge community.

  • Individual funding may be required for equipment, travel or books for educational purposes.

  • Someone may want to start a community group and just needs some initial funding to get something up and running, or any other specific expenses or projects.

  • To help with the ongoing running costs of organisations.

There are two types of grants that can be applied for:


  1. Revenue grants – to help with the ongoing running costs of an organisation, to help put on events, performances and activities or assist with funding trips and excursions.  The annual revenue grant process is open for applications for the period from 1st May to the 15th August.  Any applications received after the 15th August will not be accepted. These applications are reviewed by the Trustees at their September meeting and if the application is successful are usually paid by the beginning of October.

  2. Capital grants – to help with the purchasing of assets, either new or the significant refurbishment of existing assets. Capital grant application requests can be received throughout the year.


If you would like to enquire if you may be eligible to apply for a grant, please contact our clerk, Chloe Way or to apply, please click on the link below and email the completed form to




Clerk to the Trustees

The Great Stone Bridge Trust of Edenbridge

Currie Accountancy Limited, First Floor, 13a High Street, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5AB   |  01732 381 467 

Charity no. 224309

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